Good thread.
I have twin Luxman M 05s in my system (Class A) and although 30 years old the sound is superb. Far better than the Bryston 14b SST they replaced, despite the age difference. I think, however, after hearing a few Class D amps they have a long way to go. They DO however, make excellent sub amps, which is why you get subs now with the high power for long excursion (the first being the Sunfire True Subwoofer, IIRC correctly). But subs don't need treble sweetness or soundstaging or imaging as a amp for mains would need. Moreover, they are not nearly as pure in the treble and midrange liquidity as a good Class A amp can provide. In fact, I doubt seriously that the Class D amp will compete in this regard, although I do see a time when Class D could compete with Class A/B amps. I think Class A (either solid stage or tube) is just a step above and those whom have heard them (like me) are willing to pay the premium for the sound. I cannot see myself ever going back from Class A and sure hope that there are offerings around when I do need it. The Accuphase A 200 mono Class A amps are my dream go-to amps, now if only I could find a way to afford them.
Speaking of pricing......
I have twin Luxman M 05s in my system (Class A) and although 30 years old the sound is superb. Far better than the Bryston 14b SST they replaced, despite the age difference. I think, however, after hearing a few Class D amps they have a long way to go. They DO however, make excellent sub amps, which is why you get subs now with the high power for long excursion (the first being the Sunfire True Subwoofer, IIRC correctly). But subs don't need treble sweetness or soundstaging or imaging as a amp for mains would need. Moreover, they are not nearly as pure in the treble and midrange liquidity as a good Class A amp can provide. In fact, I doubt seriously that the Class D amp will compete in this regard, although I do see a time when Class D could compete with Class A/B amps. I think Class A (either solid stage or tube) is just a step above and those whom have heard them (like me) are willing to pay the premium for the sound. I cannot see myself ever going back from Class A and sure hope that there are offerings around when I do need it. The Accuphase A 200 mono Class A amps are my dream go-to amps, now if only I could find a way to afford them.
Speaking of pricing......