Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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I have enjoyed different cable brands. I use a mix of high fidelity cables, clarity cable and atlas mavros in my system. I will be trying the reveal line of high fidelity cables soon. I have nothing against Tara labs. Some of their stuff is good. The posts on this thread have turned me off from trying the higher up stuff. I have decided to spend my time more listening to the music and not cable switching. I see very few posts on this thread from actual Tara labs users. I see the same cable speak over and over and over. I would like to hear from other Tara labs user of higher end cables actually tell me their impressions. Not the same person over and over. At least on the high fidelity thread you get other multiple users of the product chiming in on their impressions. Audiolabryinth I have nothing against you so don't take this post personal I'm just saying. But if Tara Labs thinks this helps them then more power to them. This has actually turned me off. 

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