Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

Quiz for all on this thread:
If a man is standing in the corner muttering to himself, do you engage him or walk away?
I was able to listen to a set of Sasha Series 2 and also a set of Alexx speakers today. I personally thought the Sasha's were better. I was picking up a little hum on the Alexx speakers that I didn't notice on the SS2's. The 2 systems were not identical so there could have been some other factor that was causing the noise, however, I still liked the all around feel and look of the Sasha's more. There were a few bass notes that I noticed on the Alexx over the Sasha, I think due to the 2 different size woofers. But overall I enjoyed the Sasha's listening experience more. If I could take home a set today regardless of price it would be a set of Sasha Series 2's. 

As a note I'm still pretty new to the Audiophile program so my input might not be warranted to a full scale reviewer. 
dustin. If you were 'picking up hum' -- the chances it was coming from the Wilson Audio
loudspeakers was "infinitesimally" small. Wilson Audio is 'fanatical' about quality control.
Hum whose, source is a loudspeaker, is virtually unknown;even in cheaper brands.
Nice post Dustin.I have only heard the Sabrina's, but their presentation got me interested in Wilson speakers.
If a man is standing in the corner muttering to himself, do you engage him or walk away?

You talking about that fella with the Tara Labs thread?