Upgrade from DV 17D3, looking for recommendations!

I recently purchased a VPI classic and moved my 17d3 onto it. Pushing through a Luxman SUT, Fosgate Signature Phono, and 12w Luxman SQ-N10 wi DH Labs Air Matrix and Revelation ICs gives me an almost ideal sound. I get immense detail without being bright or fatiguing. The mids are as real as can be, and I don’t get the midbass scoop that many systems hit. I just want a little more on the bottom end. It's not that it's not there... The bass is super tight, and it's pleasant to make out the qualities in it. I just want more presence from it. Maybe I might be pushing too low an output through a high efficiency system?

People in other threads have mentioned the XX-2, the Delos, and some options from Benz. Is the XX-2 really colder than the 17d3? Is the Delos bright as well?

Not limiting to the cartridges listed, what would get me closest to what I am looking for?

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Yeah, I do believe that a good sub can make a huge difference if set well. Ultimately, if calibrated well, it should minimize crossover distortion and alleviate strain on the floorstanding speakers, allowing them to better deliver the remaining frequencies. But again, I’m not really looking for SPL to fill the room, just a bit more boost, say from 40-150hz. A sub isn’t really a great option for my current living conditions, but perhaps in the future.

And I'll definitely circle back after it breaks in!

Just to give a brief update, tonight I just did an A/B test with the 17d3 and my previous cartridge, an Ortofon 2M Black, which was very easy considering I have two arm wands for the VPI Classic. The bass out of the 2M Black was intense, while the 17d3 was leaving me wanting more on the lower registers, while the obviously the 17d3 blew the 2M black away with regards to soundstage, separation, clarity, vocal and instrument quality, etc. So I do believe that I can get the range I want without a sub.
My Art 9 shipped in yesterday, so I got to put it on this morning and play around with it a bit! I'll give some initial thoughts in the next day or two, but I don't want to review prematurely. I'll also A/B with the 17d3 since I have multiple armwands. Pretty happy so far!

@tablejockey I believe you mentioned in another thread that you've got it set up on a VPI Classic. Did you have any issues with setting the VTA properly? On my Classic, I've got the tonearm set to as far down as it can go and it still appears to be tail up just the slightest bit.

@tablejockey Forget what I said about the VTA. Turns out that one of my adjustment screws was in too far and wasn't allowing the path to descend further. I got it now.
My final setup: referencing the BACK of the cart, perpendicular to the headshell, the angle in relation to the record surface is a slightly LESS than 90 degrees,so the cart is tipped up. VTF@ 1.8 grams.
We both use the Foz, I don't hear a difference switching the load knob while playing a record,so I just leave it at 100 ohms. 

I used a Feifkert gauge and Baerwald, not the VPI jig which is their own measurement. YMMV, but I actually can't hear a difference, though on paper both aren't "perfect."  Figured I should at least use another one of my seemingly waste of money audio gadgets.

Right out of the box, I found the ART 9 amazing. Happy listening!