Hello ct0517
What 800,s do you have?
What 800,s do you have?
Tube vs Solid State
Modwright KWA150SEThe 800D/2/3 are a bit of a vicious load not just in the bass which can get down to an "EPDR" ( equivalent peak dissipation resistance) of around 1ohm, but also in the 8khz which can get to an EPDR of around 3ohms. http://www.stereophile.com/images/511B800fig1.jpg Your KWA150SE is a very good amp to drive nasty loads with as it is bi-polar output, and having 6 pairs of them per channel, so it should do great current drive into those loads, better than tubes or mosfets Have you tried to use it in high bias class-A mode?, (switch on the back) as this should sweeten things up and not sacrifice any solid state detail and dynamics. Cheers George |
Lalitk I had a look at the amp specs online. so just my opinion walk up a hill at an easy pace. then run up that hill 4 times as fast. Walking up that hill is like your amp in stereo Running 4 times as fast up that hill is like bridge/mono mode. imo - Your stressing the amps. All B&W 800 series have always been far too revealing of upstream components. So agree with Georgelofi to just run them in stereo mode. But I assume you have done that already? You should also be running in high bias mode for those speakers. Again I assume you are doing this. I noted that the amps are also not able to double down. 8 ohms going to 4 ohms and no figure shown for 2 ohms at all. Power Ratings: • 150W @ 8 ohms (Stereo) @ .06% THD. • 450W @ 8 ohms (Bridged Mono) @ .06% THD. • 200W @ 4 ohms (Stereo) @ .06% THD. • 650W @ 8 ohms (Bridged Mono) @ .06% THD. And from the amp manual It is not recommended to run the amplifier in bridged mono into 2ohm loads. This amp would not have made my final checklist for the 800d2 speakers. http://www.modwright.com/products/kwa-150-signature-edition.php ******************** 68pete Hi Pete my systems are shown here just click on the runner. In my Room A - Matrix 800 + Krell Bass Alignment Filter Cheers. |