OK, I've googled an image of the back of the Dynaco PAT 5. I see what you are saying. I will say that I have never seen a pre-amp with speaker binding posts, so that is what threw me off. I don't understand the whole point of having speaker level inputs and outputs on a pre-amp, so I'm going to gracefully bow out of the conversations sine I have no idea how the PAT 5 works.
I'm not familiar with the Rectilinear III speaker. I did google it and the guys over at forum seemed to like them. BTW, regarding anything vintage audio, I would recommend that you check out AudioKarma. Lots of vintage audio guys over there. They have a dedicated Infinity forum that I frequent.
Good luck in your audio journey........
OK, I've googled an image of the back of the Dynaco PAT 5. I see what you are saying. I will say that I have never seen a pre-amp with speaker binding posts, so that is what threw me off. I don't understand the whole point of having speaker level inputs and outputs on a pre-amp, so I'm going to gracefully bow out of the conversations sine I have no idea how the PAT 5 works.
I'm not familiar with the Rectilinear III speaker. I did google it and the guys over at forum seemed to like them. BTW, regarding anything vintage audio, I would recommend that you check out AudioKarma. Lots of vintage audio guys over there. They have a dedicated Infinity forum that I frequent.
Good luck in your audio journey........