slaw - I started this thread because time is a very precious commodity. Note that I participate on Audiogon from work, where, ironically, I have much more free time than at home. But the listening and discovery/acquisition activities must be done at home, hence the dilemma. IOW, I desire both, and both must be done during the limited time I have for these activities. Sometimes I find myself neglecting one or the other, and shift to the neglected activity. But I soon realize I am neglecting the other activity, and I get a bit frustrated.
Also, I have been able to "stump" Tidal numerous times, searching for artists Tidal does not offer. To my way of thinking, if I am going to pay up for such a service, they had better have everything! Maybe Spotify is better in this regard, but $120/year for MP3-quality music is a big pill to swallow for me.