Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?

I own the MKl version of the Crescendo and see the crossover uses all Acoustic Zen branded capacitors. Most are blue in color with the smallest values bring black. Does anyone know what company makes these for AZ? I did email the builder, but no answer. Love any information the community may have on this topic. 



Robert answered one question I had as an inductor and resistor were on the board and not soldered in the circuit. I wanted to confirm he meant to leave them out of the circuit. He did make a change and decided the speaker sounded better without these parts in play. He also offered to help to should I have any other questions. That is the extent of what he helped me with.

The 40.1 speakers are amazing and every bit as good as the Crescendo speaker. I sold them for aesthetic reasons in our new home and shared living/listening space. I would say the Crescendos go deeper and more powerful in the bass while the 40.1s seem to play all types of music and poor recordings well. They are so smooth and easy to like while the AZ speakers are more dynamic and resolving.

The upgraded AZ speakers just widen the gap in improved resolution, dynamics, and refinement.

Congrats on your upgrade... its really satisfying to make these changes and really hear the results of your effort...
I've built many a speakers, so just a couple of comments from the thread...
The parts quality does matter incredibly much so, I don't want to take away from that,  but when it comes to really improving soundstage and placement.... hand matching quality parts in the crossover to 1% or less makes more difference than the Ultra Uber expensive parts.
Linkwitz Riley 3rd order:  Joe D'Appolito is the innovator of the MTM design, he originally used and still always suggest a 3rd order butterworth for MTM.... I have used Linkwitz Riley Alignment with great success in MTM also, but LR does not offer a 3rd order alignment.
You have modded with what are most likely the best sounding parts available... Enjoy my Audiophile brother,  Nicely done.
Enjoying  my music again tonight. Cassandra Wilson night. So wonderfully beautiful as she is in the room with me.