The sad fact is that they would not be doing this if it were not a successful buying method for them. For every 20 ads they throw a lowball offer at and get laughed at or yelled at, they probably will get one desperate seller to bite.
It's very similar to the young guy who has too much self esteem issues, just asking 100 women to sleep with him. Sure, he may get spit on and slapped dozens of times......but the payoff is worth it to him if 1 or 2 of them say yes.
Some people just have no problem handling rejection.
Either they enjoy the rejection, or they must catch some fish using their buying methodology.
It's very similar to the young guy who has too much self esteem issues, just asking 100 women to sleep with him. Sure, he may get spit on and slapped dozens of times......but the payoff is worth it to him if 1 or 2 of them say yes.
Some people just have no problem handling rejection.
Either they enjoy the rejection, or they must catch some fish using their buying methodology.