theo, thank you for your thoughts on this subject matter, in fact I thank you all. You might be right, my listening habits have changed. Everytime I have revisted gear I remembered liking in the past has proven to be a disappointment, as this hobby is a progression. And yes some interconnects can change the sound up to be more agreeable but with this current combination has barely changed the sound to a warmer presentation.
The ss CJ amp does have a warm sound with more detail then one could ask for but its presentation became brighter with the addition of a CJ tube preamp I like what I'm hearing right now (although the wife thinks it sounds a bit bright) and as atmasphere and jmcgrogan2 mentioned if this would become intolerable over time then it would prove to be coloration.
The ss CJ amp does have a warm sound with more detail then one could ask for but its presentation became brighter with the addition of a CJ tube preamp I like what I'm hearing right now (although the wife thinks it sounds a bit bright) and as atmasphere and jmcgrogan2 mentioned if this would become intolerable over time then it would prove to be coloration.