Separates for 2-channel & HT, or.....?

I posted this in the amp/preamp forum too - no responses as yet so I will try again here. I hope double posts are not frowned upon.

I am coming from the simple world of SS receiver and separate SS power amp - Rotel gear, as you can see from my Virtual System. I am trying to find a more musical system, but I still need to have a system that can be used for HT. Optimized 2-channel is more important to me, but I can't make two separate systems - no room. :-(

I am changing out my speakers to Cain & Cain Abbys - single drive (Fostex 166E) high efficiency speakers (95dB.) My Teres turntable is also a keeper, as is my phono stage. These are about the only decisions I have been able to firm up! So, I am building my system around these components.

I need either an integrated amp or separates - pre amp/power amp. I thought tubes would be best for the Abbys, but then again, maybe the pre should be solid state with a tube amp - or is the other way around better? You see how unknowing I am! An integrated amp might be a bit of a compromise, but might also fit my budget better. :-~

This is what I need the system to do: I need to be able to run my CD drive, a DVD drive, my phono stage and a subwoofer, as well as, of course, front speakers. If I end up getting rid of my receiver, an option for rear and center speakers would be a plus, though I may forgo surround sound (5.1) with my new system.

My budget is around $10,000 which is both limiting, I realize, and more than I wanted to spend. :rolleyes: I would like this budget to include a new CD-player - I am considering the Musical Fidelity A5 - so I guess my actual amp/preamp budget is around $8000.

So, should I keep the receiver - or get a better one - and get an integrated amp with an HT pass through, or go with separates, or????
A preamp with bypass is your best bet. I am doing the same with a Rotel 1055 for HT and a Stello Dac/pre with active main speakers. I get the best of both worlds as far as I'm concerned.
You know, tonight I tried just using my front speakers for HT (O.K., it was just for watching/listening to the Tv) and I didn't really like it. I changed back to 5.1 and it sounded "right." 2-channel, on the other hand, sounded great for CD play back. I so wanted to like 2-channel for everything - mind you, this is with my current Rotel/B&W system. Perhaps tube amps and the Abbys will make all the difference in the world.

Why not scrap your phono in favor of a tube pre with phono built in? No wires or power supply to deal with is a big bonus, and you have alot of money to spend, I think if you spend wisely you wont need near your budget and will be able to get alot of music or movies....good luck!
PS I added a tube pre to my Rotel Pro (I run it thru the multi channel bypass) I use it for 2 channel only and although there is always better I am really happy with what I have, it really sounds alot better than the Rotel did on its own....and the Rotel trounced my Onkyo reciever.'s supposed to be the best. Oh, and I hear Fisher makes good receivers.
Very helpful, Flrnlamb....You buy all the Bose stuff you want! :-)

Chadnliz - If I happen to get a tube pre with a phono stage superior to my stand alone Holfi, I will indeed remove the Hofi. What I would really like to do is get a stand alone tube phone stage at some point, but right now I am concentrating on just getting a better front end for all of my 2 channel and HT needs. What tube pre did you end up buying?

I am hoping to spend quite a bit less than $10K on my front end; I'll put the rest in savings for my next bout of upgraditis! I may actually try some new power cords,too, just to see what all the fuss is about (all my power cords are stock at this point.)
