This is My Music on CBC FM, Saturday mornings

Does anyone else here enjoy this program? Accomplished musicians acting as DJ's,playing
music they love. I find it always interesting. For Opera lovers it's followed
shortly afterward by Saturday at the Opera broadcast compliments of Toll Brothers 
Luxury Homes and other contributors. My favorite day of programming.

I miss the old radio classical hosts.
Robert J. Lurtsema, Steve Post, Duncan Pirnie et al.
Classical music was so much more interesting when they hosted.
Nice to know that CBC is offering something similar. I have to give it a listen.
I really enjoy listening to CBC Radio 2.  Have it on all day for background music, but I have not been real impressed by the sound quality over my stereo.  I'm just across the border from Windsor so I can listen over the air, but wish I could listen on line.  Supposedly you can, but whenever I tried I get a notice that the CBC limits on line listening to Canada only, supposedly for copyright limitations, but that seems a cop out to me.  My favorite program is "In Concert" with Paolo Pietropaolo on Sundays. "The Signal" with Laurie Brown is a good one for Adult contemporary music.  Also, should add that I was saddened by the death of Stewart McLean, he was a great story teller and that's not normally my "thing".