Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?

I recently ordered high end speaker, power amp, and preamp to be installed in couple more weeks. So the next search are interconnect and speaker cable. After challenging the dealer and 3 of my so called audiophile friends, I think the only reason I would buy expensive cable is for its appearance to match with the high end gears but not for sound performance. I personally found out that $5K cable vs $10 cable are no difference, at least not to our ears. Prior to this, I was totally believe that cable makes a difference but not after this and reading few articles online.

Here is how I found out.

After the purchase of my system, I went to another dealer to ask for cable opinion (because the original dealer doesn't carry the brand I want) and once I told him my gears, he suggested me the high end expensive cable ranging from $5 - 10K pair, depending on length. He also suggested the minimum length must be 8-12ft. If longer than 12ft, I should upgrade to even more expensive series. So I challenged him that if he can show me the difference, I would purchase all 7 AQ Redwood cables from him.

It's a blind test and I would connect 3 different cables - 1 is the Audioquest Redwood, 1 is Cardas Audio Clear, and 1 my own generic 14AWG about 7ft. Same gears, same source, same song..... he started saying the first cable sound much better, wide, deep, bla...bla...bla......and second is decently good...bla...bla...bla.. and the last one sounded crappy and bla...bla...bla... BUT THE REALITY, I NEVER CHANGED THE CABLE, its the same 14AWG cable. I didn't disclosed and move on to second test. I told him I connected audioquest redwood but actually 14AWG and he started to praise the sound quality and next one I am connected the 14awg but actually is Redwood and he started to give negative comment. WOW!!!! Just blew me right off.

I did the same test with 3 of my audiophile friends and they all have difference inputs but no one really got it right. Especially the part where I use same generic 14awg cable and they all start to give different feedback!!!

No, three wires to each-three wire to left positive, three wires to left negative, and the same for the right side.  Three Jenna Labs wires per side, per channel-twelvein all.  The three Jenna Lbs wires between the single MG Audio Design wire-themself attached to the speakers themself.  And the other ends of the Jenna Labs hook up wires =3 each per channel-twelve in all-to the amplifier speaker wire terminals.  I originally used just one Jenna Labs hook up wires per channel-four in all.  Next I tried two per channel-eight total.  Finally Iused three per channel-twelve n all.  It sounder better each time I added another Jenna Labs hook up wires.  The result is fabulous audio reproduction.
Still amused immensely by this topic, here,s my 3 cents of old fart musings!
Hail from England originally and grew up as a cash strapped music afficondo making do on a shoe string budget to begin.
Back in the 70,s, affordable meant Jap amps and cassette decks, JVC, Trio, Akai, Aiwa etc, all made fair offerings for the price, hard to beat  garrard turntable for the price and with a half decent cart sounded good enough. Speakers were ALWAYS English, Mission for the masses, Tannoy or Mordaunt Short for those with a bit more cash.
Anyways knew a lot of similar minded folk and we would trade gear, tell tall stories etc but not once EVER did anybody even think about cables of any sort!
You used what came with your gear, yes those throwaway rca cables, whatever power cord came with it and hopefully you could persuade the dealer to throw in some speaker cable if you bought a new pair, remember getting some QED 14g cable with some new Missions...which I still have...lol.
I think if anybody had suggested you go blow the price of your tape deck or amp on interconnects or power cord or fuse they would have been laughed out of the country!
Now maybe we were all ignorant or just did not know any better, who knows, all I know is I am still constantly amazed at the price of some cables and the people who buy them.