What to add or change for my system?

This is my first post, so please have pity on me if I break any rules.... :)

I immersed myself in this hobby a few years ago, and I'm completely hooked.  And best of all, my wife is.....almost hooked.  I initially purchased speakers from Axiom, OPPO 103D from OPPO, and Parasound preamp and amp from a local dealer.  These were connected with Kimber Timbre cables.  I also have a Furman Elite power conditioner.

All of that changed in December.  My system now consists of:
  • Martin Logan Summit X speakers; purcahsed new on AG
  • Plinius Hautonga integrated amp; purcahsed on AG
  • Oppo 105 that has been modded by Tweak Audio for even better audio; purchased on AG
  • Bryston BDP-1; purcahsed on AG
  • Gustard X20 DAC that has been modded by Tweak Audio; purcahsed on AG
  • Gustard U12 USB interface; purchsed new on Amazon
  • Clear Day silver speaker cables; direct from Paul, a wonderful person!
  • Avanti Audio interconnects; direct from Avanti
  • Furman Elite power conditioner; Audioadvisor

As luck would have it, I just got a nice bonus and feel the itch to add to, or make better my system.  Not knowing what to consider, I'm hopeful to get some suggestions from you.  If this was your system, and you had $3-4 thousand to spend, what you add or replace?

Thanks for your thoughts!!!
Even more great suggestions!

I do have vibration pods for every component.  Also have Pangea power cords for every component going to the Furman, and a massive cord from the Furman to the audio receptacles.  I don't have a dedicated line from breaker box to wall, but that isn't really possible in my case.

I made cable risers from Styrofoam squares that I painted black and put a felt pad on the bottom to protect the wood floor.  Cables rest on top.

The room is not dedicated to audio, it's our living room.  It's 15x16 with one of the 15 foot sides open to our dinning room, other side is a fireplace.  Ceiling is 8 feet, sloping both sides to 12 feet in center. Speakers are 8 feet apart, 3.5 feet from the front wall, and 4 feet from the side walls.  It's a pretty big room.

I do have a decent music collection all on hard disk, and I listen to Tidal a lot.

I like the idea of room treatment.  Because the MLs are dipole, would a 2x4 absorption panel directly behind the speakers work best?

Thanks guys!!!

Stringreen, I'm not sure. But the risers were only about $20 to make and took only the time for paint to dry. I bought the styrofoam blocks from Michael's for $3 each, then a can of spray paint and felt pads from Lowe's. They look nice enough, and importantly really help eliminate dust bunnies.

Not to start a heated debate, but what about changing the fuses in the Plinius?  Pretty easy as all fuses are accessible from the back of the unit.  I've read pros and cons on this, as I'm sure all of you have too?

You should check out the thread on the Synergistic Research quantum black fuses. They seem to get tons of raves.