Wilson Sasha 2 or Alexia for small room 10' x 17'?

I went to audition the Wilson Sabrina at a local shop. I so wanted to love these speakers because of the reviews, price and compact size. Unfortunately, I could not (don't hate me  Sabrina owners). I did, however,  fall in love with the Sasha 2. It seemed to do everything and more that I was looking for and I am hoping this speaker will be a speaker I can live with for a very long time. After thinking about it, I wondered, is the difference between the Sabrina and Sasha 2 smaller or greater than the Sasha 2 and current Alexia? The room has  good acoustics, Mcintosh C50 pre, MC152 amp and as noted above, is very small. Would there be too much bass and overwhelm the room. I have not heard the Alexias and was wondering if any owners or listeners familiar to both can comment on the differences and similarities and give impressions as to how they might work in my small room. I currently own and like very much the  Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 but am looking for more. At this point, I am pretty sure I will go with the Sashas  but am looking for guidance from someone with experience especially since it is very hard to locate the Alexias and hear personally.  Thanks for your opinions
I'm using a pair of Sasha 2 in a 20' x 26' Room with great results including deep powerful bass. The Sasha 2 represent a much better value (at $20K less) and imo are nicer looking than the similarly sounding Alexia when used in a mid-sized Room that doesn't require the extra Bass Energy that the Alexia provides.   

Hey James sticks and stones.

I will stick to my guns, we make great sound and sell fantastic products so if  you want to open up your mouth go right ahead.

What I have said about the Personas does seem to ring true or the Absolute Sound wouldn't have said such nice things about them.

You guys who doubt will see, the Persona is a world class product.

Per cupracer enjoy  your Wilsons they are very good speakers, and I would take them over the other speakers you mentioned, although I have very limited experience with the Sopras, but they probably have a slightly more forward less bass type of sound vs the Wilsons.

I would have gone to some of the other dealers and listened to the other competitive products at this price range, but that is just me.

I am curious to see if you did that or just checked out what one dealer was selling before you pulled the trigger?

I went to the 4 best dealers within a 50 mile radius and heard about 15+ speakers. I could have heard more, but as I said in an earlier post, I knew my work was done when I heard the Sasha 2s.  Doubt was left since I have not heard the Alexias and was told they were similar to the Sashas but more. Everybody hears and appreciates sounds differently explaining why some prefer a certain style of speaker,
Honestly, audiotroy you  would be more persuasive if you were not so shameless. Give it a rest since you are accomplishing the opposite of your intentions. Trying to talk someone into liking something that you like (and may benefit financially from)  is pointless when most are capable of making up their own mind. The above being said, if I get the chance to audition the Persona, I will take it as mild curiosity.