Need a remote control for my Audio Research CD1 CD Player

Can anyone help me? I need a remote control for my AR CD1 player. I have tried to contact Audio research for help--once by email and once by phone where I was forced to leave a voice mail. Their customer support seems to be a little slow in my case.

Anyway, I thought I would ask for advise or assistance on possibly getting a replacement through other channels prior to me finally tracking down AR. If you can help I am all ears and appreciate any assistance.

If you are still looking for a remote control of your AR CD1, I have one for sale along with the owner's manual. My CD1 is beyond repairs, but the remote control is in excellent shape. Please let me know.
Hi everyone,

For anyone who may be interested, I purchased three remotes off eBay as described above. Each was purchased from a seller from China for about $7. The remotes have all worked well and are all you might need.

Hope this helps someone.

autospec, do you still have the remote for the ARC cd1? If so I will buy it. It also will opperate my krell KAV-250CD PLAYER.