Alan Maher Designs

Hi there I have been using Alan maher designs products for the past 4 months. Have any audiogon members used his products before? If so any comments ?

I  started of with 4 of his cbf 0hz at my circuit breaker side which later I added on with his pressure plate. Im mighty impressed with the results I am getting. The improvements is across the board in my audio setup and my LCD panel now looks like 4k !!. Next i used his fuse wraps and that took me up another level especially on my TV resolution(UK plugs). I have ordered more of his stuff (emi clamps, platforms, QPI) but as of now the products he offer seems to be doing so much more if you look in a price point of view.

There's so much of information that he shares in his FB post that has given me a good understanding about the reality of our electrical lines and how much of dirty power is running in our homes.
Hi John just realised it's John and not Ivan lol. Wow you are using 7 platforms that's cool !!!. I will definitely be getting more platforms in future.

As of now I have ordered 1 active platform for my QB8 which seems to be the logical approach as that's where all my equipments power cables are hooked on. The platform cable itself using a spade lug will be connected to the grounding post of my QB8. Alan said that it will be more effective hooking it in that manner as in comparison to hooking up with an ac plug on an outlet.

Later will be slowly progressing to get more platforms for my other equipments and hooking it up to a custom ground bar that he makes.

Have you tried his magnetics line products ? Particularly the Magnetics inline add on power cable and the Magnetics QPS 4.0 ? I'm thinking of getting it but am still undecided which one should i start of with.
Hi TJB, no I haven’t gotten around yet to trying his Magnetics filters just yet, although that will happen at some point down the road this year, I think. I have a number of his Q-strings power cables (which are great), but will need 3 more pc’s before I’m finished building my system.

Mine is an EVS-modified Oppo 103 going into 3 Crown XTi-2 power amps that allow me to actively tri-amp into DIY open baffle speakers and a pair of ob Hawthorne Audio Silver Iris ("Augies") subwoofers from about 240 Hz on down. But I’ve yet to build a custom DIY preamp (just a distribution amp with a Goldpoint volume control, really) and later next year or so, add an EVS-modified Gustard X20 Pro DAC, then the system will be done.

Oh, I also have a TASCAM CDR-200 CD recorder that is a few weeks old. Placed for the moment on a 0 Hz active platform it is already making CD copies for me that noticeably sound **better** than the original CD(!), blacker background for one. Later on I will add a second platform on top of the TASCAM to increase the effect...after I do some major surgery on my equipment cabinet in order to accommodate the extra height required for the whole equipment stack. My gear is basically the kind that does not require top or bottom ventilation, the Crowns, for example, ventilate from front to back, so this lets me stack all the equipment I’m using vertically while sandwiching them each between a platform, with one platform on the bottom and the top of the stack as well - this basically doubles the filter effect on the audio gear of the platforms.Later on I’ll place a Tri-Wave filter on the top platform, to treat both the room And the stack! Until then, I also need to finish building my speakers and construct permanent subwoofer frames.

I’m really psyched and can’t wait, but I have lots of work ahead...! When all is finished, I will post the system on Agon.
Oh wow that's loads of work for you. Please do post your system would love to have a look at it. 

As for me I'm still awaiting for Alan's goodies to arrive. I too ordered the Tri-wave filter, please do keep me updated on how does it sound and where do you place it. 
Will do, for sure. 

You will likely have the Tri-Wave before I, so it might be a case of you posting for my sake first, lol.

@ivan_nosnibor @tjbhuler Hi guys, old thread same topic. Have either of you used the Alan Maher Ambiance Ethernet cable or the Maxwell QPI? 

I’ve used the older Alan Maher QPI devices, probably over 10 years old, and every time I take them out of my system they go right back in because they are so effective. 

I’m considering the two devices mentioned in the first paragraph above, especially the Ethernet cable. Any input is appreciated!