Looking to upgrade my preamp, suggestions?

Decided it is time to try out a newer preamp, have upgraded everything else over last couple of months bar this so...
Present pre is an ARC LS2 with gold lion tube and herbies tube damper.
Rest is Esoteric sa-50, bat vk600se and b&w 804d.
Listen exclusively to rock music, old and new
Important to myself, solid bass, vocals and soundstage, a remote might be nice too...lol
Thinking along the lines so far of bat vk32se, a newer ARC like ls17 or 27. Yes all tubes
Suggestions along solid state lines please?
budget is about 3500 max
Prefer to hear from actual owners of preamps suggested for your actual experiences
thank you all in advance 
yes the vk51se is also on my hotlist, although as it only has balanced inputs i was considering the vk32se more just for convenience
however i know bat make the xlr to rca adapters so always a way round things
Yeah, keeping that big amp of your close to the speakers with short cables and running longer balanced interconnects to the preamp on the side of the room with the source gear is the way to go! Cheers,
Take a look at audionet pre g3 I have the same pre and it is a outstanding . There is one on here now 
has anybody any experience with mcintosh c48 preamp?
just looking at that it seems to cover all bases with dig inputs, mm and mc phono and headphone socket
a nice looking all in one but cannot find a single review anywhere
I did see the audionet unit earlier and was interested in it. How long have you had yours and what do you pair it with?