There are a couple of pairs of Double Impacts in Northwest Indiana (basically a suburb of Chicago) and I am sure you could hear them there also. It is quite interesting that as the main line manufacturers of audio gear cater more to the carriage trade that there is more incredible gear at affordable prices with outstanding performance. Brands like Linear Tube (microZOTL2), Line Magnetics, and these Double Impacts have turned Audio upside down. There are many more amazing bargains I'm sure. We were laughing trying to guess what the Double Impacts would sell for if they had a big name on their nameplate. The lowest guess was 30K! I hope that the Double Impacts are at Axpona.
There are a couple of pairs of Double Impacts in Northwest Indiana (basically a suburb of Chicago) and I am sure you could hear them there also. It is quite interesting that as the main line manufacturers of audio gear cater more to the carriage trade that there is more incredible gear at affordable prices with outstanding performance. Brands like Linear Tube (microZOTL2), Line Magnetics, and these Double Impacts have turned Audio upside down. There are many more amazing bargains I'm sure. We were laughing trying to guess what the Double Impacts would sell for if they had a big name on their nameplate. The lowest guess was 30K! I hope that the Double Impacts are at Axpona.