The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀

Dear thuchan, I know that you are some kind of ''globetrotter''

probably because you have business ''everywhere''. However one

does not need to travel to Japan in order to get some ''exotic''

Japanese cart : is all what one needs. BTW as

a person who owns ''everything'' already what about Ikeda 9

the cantileverless cart? I mean which one is the best? There are

many models but hardly any info about any.

Dear Nandric,
These were the good old days, the beginning of the ninties last century. We had no internet! The Minidisc had just arrived. I was happy to experience that period at the lower level of the Sony Center building in Tokyo when you went out of the subway station. Great collection of records too. Today it's spirit is gone, very sad.
The Ikeda9 is a fine cart. I do me hard which one is best. They are different or maybe put it better that way:I do prefer some for rock, some for Jazz music.
The Palladian has a fantastic three dimensionality, the ART 1000 is singing beautifully and warm with a good resolution, the Ikeda9 is more on the dynamic side as is the Atlas. Could continue...

Dear Thuchan, Those ''good old days'' are still relevant. I have not

seen many of your contributions in our ''MM thread'' but those

who participate there do know about ''Victor X-1 II'' which is

according to some of us the best ever MM cart. What is obviously

less known is the ''Victor MC1''; direct couple type cartridge.

The first MC cart with coils glued near the stylus on the cantilever

''nose'' wih 4 thin wire along the cantilever to the 4 pin connectors.

Your ART 1000 is direct successor or rather ''heir'' of Victor MC1.

I was stunned to read this by ART 1000 introduction even more

so than by the ART 1000 price (grin). Alas I have not yet seen

pictures which could explain or enlighten how AT solved the

coil problem. Victor used an small silicon plate with etched coils

and (very) thin ''signal wire'' to the 4 pin connector. One of those

is broken on my sample while Axel was not able to solder this

one back. Alas irreparable.

ART1000 has taken over Palladium as best cartridge in the world for this month?  :-)
Dear Nandric,
The Victor MC1, being the predecessor of my L-1000 Laboratory, is a fine cart too. I have never heard the X-1 II. I cannot display pictures here of the ART 1000 but you may see it on my site. Fremer did some explanations on a bigger model in his video on analog.corner too.