What is most important part of a system?

I remember reading someone saying that the most important part of a system was the source. I thought "Wrong! Speakers are the most important".
Now, I have changed my mind. Source is the most important part.

Right or wrong but this is how I came to this conclusion;

I have tried the same system with a CD player and a turntable. By far LP sounds better than a CD. Btw, the system had all high-end amps, speakers, cables, etc.

What is most important part of a system for you?


What is most important part of a system?

I remember reading someone saying that the most important part of a system was the source. I thought "Wrong! Speakers are the most important".

Now, I have changed my mind. Source is the most important part.
You are correct, it all starts with the source, get that right 1st (digital or analogue) and your 1/3 the way there. If not right, it’s a never ending battle to get the truth, and everything after it becomes just a band-aid fix.

Ivor Tifenbrun (Linn Sondek)

Cheers George
Here is one of several prior threads in which this question was discussed:


Following is my answer as stated in that thread:

Do not expect any consensus among the answers which will be provided, or among the answers that have been provided about similar questions that were asked in the past.

Some will say the source is most important, because its shortcomings cannot be compensated for by any of the downstream components. I dispute that rationale, for two reasons:

1)That logic ignores the DEGREE to which different types of components may have shortcomings.

2)The source can't compensate for the shortcomings of the downstream components either.

Some will say the speakers, because in general they (and their interaction with the room) arguably make the biggest difference in the character of the sound that is heard.

Others will say the preamp, contending that it is "the heart of the system."

My own answer, expressed in general terms, is that a chain is as strong as its weakest link, wherever that link may happen to be located in a particular system.

And more specifically my own perspective leans in the direction of "speakers first," but to a greater or lesser degree depending on how "important" is defined (especially the degree to which price is reflected in that definition), and depending on whether the source is analog or digital, and depending on the degree to which the particular listener values deep bass extension and the ability of the system to handle recordings having particularly wide dynamic range.
-- Al
@cymbop pretty sure a phono cartridge is a transducer so you agree with the OP? :-)
+1 for the T shirt.

Room and Speakers together are the most important choice and investment you can make.

Many if not most audiophile grade sources and amps are very good to fantastic in our modern world.

The room and speakers usually leave the most to be desired and have the most impact on cost and sound of the system.

$100,000 system with a poor room and poorly placed and inappropriate sized speakers with listening chair against a wall ...will sound awful.

I have never heard a really terrible sounding audiophile grade source or amp but I have heard many many awful sounding audiophile grade speakers.

My own answer, expressed in general terms, is that a chain is as strong as its weakest link, wherever that link may happen to be located in a particular system.

+1, well said Al!!

I agree with this method 100%. A system is about balance, and carefully balanced and selected system will sound best in my experiences.
Focusing on one area while ignoring the others is a sure way to find disappointment.


If I buy a top shelf $10,000 phono cartridge, put it on a $1,000 turntable, with $1,000 speakers, and $1,000 AVR, can I still wear that T-shirt?