Should an AC line conditioner be placed before or after the power cord to the amp?

At the advice of my brother I purchased a Furman AC line conditioner (Elite-15PFi) to not only clean up the power coming from my receptacle but also to protect my gear from power surges.  The difference it has made to my system is amazing (in a good way that is).  I decided to replace the stock power cord with an Audience PowerChord.  I was planning to keep the Furman installed into the receptacle and then run the Audience PowerChord from the Furman to the amplifier thereby.  He however claims that the PowerChord should be plugged into the receptacle and the Furman and then plug the amp into the Furman using the stock cord.  Who is correct?  I was thinking that the Furman would clean up the incoming power and that the PowerChord would preserve that "cleaner power" going to the amp.  This would also protect the new PowerChord.  If I install it as he suggests using a stock power cord am I not defeating the purpose behind buying a better power cord to begin with?  Thanks in advance to all who respond.
I was thinking that the Furman would clean up the incoming power and that the PowerChord would preserve that "cleaner power" going to the amp
Unwired, There's also the theory that a power conditioner can't clean up what it doesn't see in the first place.  There is no stock answer because everybody's power situation is different.  The bottom line is that you just need to try it both ways and see which you prefer.  FWIW I have the same Furman and love what it does in my system but have not played with aftermarket power cords.  As an audiophile you might have to buy another cord and use them in both places. :)
Many amp manufacturers build in whatever filtering they prefer in use with their amps and suggest you don't use any power conditioner with their power amps. Suggest asking your amp maker their opinion. Cheers,
I agree with using the better pc from the conditioner to the amp. No question.