What is most important part of a system?

I remember reading someone saying that the most important part of a system was the source. I thought "Wrong! Speakers are the most important".
Now, I have changed my mind. Source is the most important part.

Right or wrong but this is how I came to this conclusion;

I have tried the same system with a CD player and a turntable. By far LP sounds better than a CD. Btw, the system had all high-end amps, speakers, cables, etc.

What is most important part of a system for you?


Such a controversial subject. lol, yeah and you'll get 17 different opinions.  That being said, it's true that it's all important and the weakest link suffers, but I think that your source/preamp are extremely important.  If the sound quality of the waveforms are not there from the start, there is no way you are able to restore it by downstream devices (i.e. amp/speakers).  Sure, you could compensate somewhat for a bad source by using different preamp/cables/etc., but it's just compensating/synergy.  It's not really restoring the original quality.  There can be combinations that work well, however.

The choice of amp is important, but does not affect the sound as much as source/preamp.  Source/preamp are also more sensitive to type of power cord / fuse / outlet.  Interestingly enough, my R&D and experience has shown that power cables and interconnects are extremely important.  I have made an average amp/speaker system sound world class by using ultra-high end power and interconnect components (i.e. OCC Copper solid core, rhodium connectors all the way through, Furutech fuses).  My opinion on order of importance is as below.








Shadorne wrote,

"I have not had nearly as much upgraditus as others. I believe it is because I have chosen carefully and wisely. I don’t try to achieve a sound or sugar coated flavour filled sound. I seek accuracy and total neutrality. My thrills come from the music and the recordings and realistic convincing presentation that conveys the true dynamics of live music and real instruments (requires more than 120 db of clean headroom). Audio systems should be like a great camera lens - as clear as possible."

Gee, no kidding? I don’t think I’ve ever run across anyone who’s goal was sugar coated flavor filled sound. And I doubt anyone would disagree audio systems should be as clear as possible. I also suspect you are confusing dynamic range with headroom or peak level, whatever.
  Great question , and some excellent responses. But gentleman are you all out to lunch ? The most important measure of any system is " DOES IT PASS THE WIFE FACTOR "! I just felt like injecting some humor 😮 . But thanks to all for a great question and some very informative responses. Happy listening , Mike B. 
Speakers.  I have some Wilson Sophias.  They sound great through my McIntosh preamp/amp setup.  And they also sound pretty good through my 30 yr old Technics 40watt integrated that I dug out of the basement and used until I found a new preamp to replace the one I had sold.  So, speakers is my answer. Hands down.
Speakers are the personality of the system.  I'd rather hear my speakers with a boombox for power/source than to hear the boombox speakers with the rest of my system for power/source.  Of course, none of us would put together either combination but you get the idea.  I'll take fine speakers with so-so electronics over the alternative.