Just Ordered New Speakers

I just put the order in for a pair of Golden Ear Triton Reference Speakers. I was able to get the first production run which should be shipping sometime in May. They will replace my Triton 1 speakers which will be moved upstairs to my secondary system. Presently I have Triton 2 in my secondary system, so those will go on the market once my new speakers come in. I bought these without hearing them, but since I already own both the 1 and 2, I am positive I will love them. They all have the GE house sound which I like very much.

Now the long wait and anticipation begins

John, not to pile on my friend!  You and I PM a lot and you know I retired exactly a year ago.  Can I afford it?  I think so but for my mental state of mind - absolutely.  

I was not planning on retiring at 58 but the opportunity came around and I took it.  When you get over say 55 or so, the best laid plans do not always pan out.  Like having babies - surprise!!!  I am not saying I will not ever go back to work but man I am happy.

You do get a different perspective on gear for sure.  I look back and am amazed at some of the money I spent on gear and built out an audio room, wouldn't dream of doing that now!   Sunrayjack12 is right, I am really able to slow down and enjoy my system.  I was always trying to carve out time from work.

Congrats Stereo 5, I have done the same as you - I have 2 pairs of Thiels and love the house sound so I would never need to audition a different model - enjoy those speaks!  From what i have read they should be marvelous.

Toneranger, you're using the same amp as I do for the Sopra2's.  Have you experimented with speaker and interconnect cables with your 700i amplifier?  I'm using Discovery Essential and Essence cables that I've had for several years and I've thought about experimenting with some better cables.  thanks!!!
Hey Jerry (pops), I am very glad to hear how happy you are in your retirement! I hope that you never have to go back to work.
I do recall that you were miserable at work though, and as you said, they did offer you a package.

Every situation is a little different. Yes, my work takes away a lot of listening hours from me, but so does my wife. LOL!

I'm 56 now, and I was out of work for 3 years a couple years back, after losing my job of 30 years. So I had a little time of "forced" retirement. While enjoyable, the lack of financial security also frightened me.

My wife didn't work for 15 years while my children were young, so I was not ready to retire at 51 years old. Those 3 years off (51-54)  basically has pushed my retirement time frame back from 62 to 65, as I now need to build up a "buffer" again.

Anyway, I certainly do not hate my job, it's good to be working again after that 3 year hiatus. I don't foresee any package coming my way either.

However, I do know that one never knows what life has in the cards. Just because my plan is to retire at 65, doesn't mean that I will make it there. I've had the rug pulled out from under me before.

WHAT GEAR ARE YOU USING WITH YOUR TRITON 1S? I Just heard a pair by accident.Drove 2 hrs north to hear vandys, martin logans and totems.Most were gone on some end of year sale.On the way out i looked in a room to my right, a theatere room.I asked what those GE speakers were.THE TRITON ONES.Well i'm here , can i take a listen?I was stunned at their ease and warmth.Jaw dropping as i listened WTF.Ok what gear are you using? Arcam.I stayed a while spinning some discs in amazement.I wanted to jump around,dance, whatever.Smooth , dynamic good PRAT Just sounded right.Did not come for these but now getting the bug. Another day i drove south nearly two hours to hear the again.Played on an intergraetd rotell they quite frankly SUCKED.Now they have my attention due to my gear,tweeks,upgrades etc.Note Bass at center up north ,first listen. Down south bass was set to min.Did not have time to set up properly that day.Their lower end stuff sounded better.Any listener feedback is Welcom. Again was it the gear, set up etc? I think so but every thing makes a difference, to include the room. Thanks R.W.
I am using Odyssey Stratos Extreme mono blocks, the new Rogue RP-5 all tube preamp, VPI Prime turntable, Esoteric SACD player, Sony HDD Music Server, Magnum Dynalab MD102 tuner, all Shunyata power cords and conditioners, Groneberg Quattro Reference speaker cables and interconnects.  The sound in my living room is jaw dropping.  I can't wait for the Reference, should be here late May or June.  The Triton 1 will be going into my secondary system where I now have the Triton 2.  I will put the Triton 2 up for sale on Audiogon once everything is set up.