Nude Turntable Project

I could not fit the whole story in this Forum so have had to add it to my System Page.
I am attempting to hear if a 'naked' DD turntable can sound as good as Raul claims.
Please click the link below to read the story.
Thanks totem,

Herzan USA is the Distributor for Australia (go figure) all dealings were directly with Reid Whitney and Tim Rather who were most helpful.
The unit was shipped via FedEx (when the custom top-plate was ready) and was here in three days....😀

As I understand it, if something untoward were to occur, it would most likely need to be shipped back to Switzerland where it was designed and built?


"The fact is, the air-borne energy is not of a sufficiently low frequency (and amplitude) to be a direct consequence."

My experience was different.  My tt is placed on a shelf within an alcove along one wall and built into the walls.  The alcove is 60" wide.  Originally I had the tt at the far right end of the shelf which placed the arm/cartridge very close to a corner.  One day I happened to lean over the tt while music was playing at a moderately loud level, I was amazed by the amount of low frequency build-up I heard in that corner.

So after thinking about this I moved the tt closer to the left end of the shelf where the arm/cartridge would be near the mid-point of the length of the shelf.  That was one of those "you notice the distortion once you remove it" experiences.  The sonics were definitely cleaned up, at least noticeably in the bass range.  And so I would always avoid placing a tt in a corner, just to minimize air-borne energy.

Mechanical transmission is another story.
Interesting experience pryso......
I wonder if you've tried experimenting with placing the stylus in a stationary groove whilst slowly increasing the volume?
Does any feedback develop and if it different with the turntable on the left of the alcove to when it was positioned at the far right?


Thanks for your very informative post. I had a similar experience with a Vibraplane, which I still use.

I have heard the Herzan is effective far beyond the Vibraplane and Minus K. Did you happen to try either of those and if so could you compare to the Herzan?

I have followed this thread and am very happy to see this great conclusion.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry

No, I didn't try a stationary grove test.  After moving the table away from the corner the increased clarity when playing moderately loud music (I probably never exceed 90 dB, unlike some) was proof enough I didn't feel the need to test any further.  Noticeable feedback (howling) was never a problem although I assume the problem was low level feedback from the pickup being in a high pressure zone area.