What CD player/transport has the most stable mechanism?

I was wondering if someone out there could help me with this question. What CD player/transport has the most stable mechanism? By that I mean, what player/transport isolates the player from external bumps and vibration?
For years I have owned a SOTA sapphire turntable. Not that I've tried it, but you can drop a bowling bowl on it and not cause a skip. Is there a CD equivalent? No one talks about this, but for me, it's hugely important. I'm asking about vintage equipment, new stuff, cheap, expensive, whatever. BTW, I'm not asking about isolation equipment or racks or anything like that. Just the intrinsic stability of the player itself. Thanks in advance!
As @bdp24 mentions above, isolation could help you "get by" with a less expensive CDP.
Another alternative for the DIYer is a sandbox isolation platform.

I'm with rockanroller on this one.  The old Sony ES are hard to beat.  I'm using an X779 es for years and years. 
That you all for that information.  I'll look into it.  The only reason my original query did not include isolation materials was because I figure that a well-built player on an isolation platform would always outperform a jumpy player on the same platform.  But maybe I'm wrong about that, what with the possibility of mismatched resonant frequencies and such.

Just one more follow up question.  I noticed that the Esoteric line advertises a VRDS-NEO transport mechanism down to the K-05 player.  The K-07 player does not include it.  Should I not look at the K-07?  It's more in my wheelhouse price-wise, but this will probably be the last player I ever buy.  I don't want to be disappointed.  Thanks in advance.  I'll look into picking up an old SONY.
@hgonzal Bear in mind that other manufacturers such as DCS use Teac VRDS drives as well. For example there’s a Paganini just listed today that has the Teac VMK-5 drive. Teac have stopped selling drives to third parties unfortunately so there will be less of these in the future

also think about the DAC you are using this with as all these manufacturers have their own proprietary interfaces that will be superior to plan vanilla connections

Finally additional isolation will help no matter how good the drive.. many DCS and Esoteric users use Herzan platforms under their transports for example