What commerical audio system tweaks provide sound quality improvement??

If you look in any audio catalogue, whether Music Direct or Audio Advisor, there are usually several pages of  system tweaks.

What  tweaks in your opinion, work and actually provide real audible improvement??

Thank you , SJ

Physics definitely supports vibration control. Particularly for tube components and turntables.

Physics also supports vibration control for solid state components.

Some tweaks, though.. Jeez. I can’t believe people purchase these things. They make some of the stuff the new agers buy look like quantum physics.

Care to give some examples of these tweaks you can't believe people purchase?
Buy a  bag of child proof outlet plugs roughly $5 for a big bag. Plug every unused outlet opening through out the house, not just your sound room. This prevents EMI, RFI from entering the electrical system, the reduction in back round noise is anything but subtle. One more cheap but highly effective tweak suspend all cabling with fish line from the ceiling, most effective in minimizing cable vibration, cable risers do not even come close in performance! 
perfectpathtech wrote,

"Buy a bag of child proof outlet plugs roughly $5 for a big bag. Plug every unused outlet opening through out the house, not just your sound room. This prevents EMI, RFI from entering the electrical system, the reduction in back round noise is anything but subtle."

The last time I checked RFI/EMI can pass quite freely through plastic and glass, which is actually why your cell phone works inside your house. I guess this is probably the placebo effect that’s anything but subtle in this case.

perfectpathtech wrote,

"One more cheap but highly effective tweak suspend all cabling with fish line from the ceiling, most effective in minimizing cable vibration, cable risers do not even come close in performance!"

Gosh, has someone actually been paying attention to my posts? Heavens to Murgatroyd!
A bunch of fish lines hanging from the ceiling? I think I'll stick with risers. 
@geoffkait  "I never turned off the power prior to cleaning outlets and am fine. I mean except for a slight twitch."

Bad advice, Geoff, in my opinion.

Perhaps you know enough to do that kind of thing with some safety, but not everyone does. I suggest you withdraw that.