What commerical audio system tweaks provide sound quality improvement??

If you look in any audio catalogue, whether Music Direct or Audio Advisor, there are usually several pages of  system tweaks.

What  tweaks in your opinion, work and actually provide real audible improvement??

Thank you , SJ

Geoff, you would have to be cleaning ONE outlet, the hot one, with a material that becomes conductive, for one reason or another; e.g. wet with perspiration. That and a path to ground, no matter how elusive or invisible.

And Geoff, I did not insult you nor your intelligence, so pray do not insult mine. There is no need for that.

OK. let's make sure, based on the last 10 responses or so, that nobody fries themselves by becoming a human electrical conduit. 

Audiogon does not have an official " In Memoriam"  category
