What is the "best" cartridge a Technics 1210...

can handle when equipped with the more popular KAB mods(damper, rewire, power supply)? I am not an audiophile, and have really enjoyed the modestly priced Denon 110 on my player, but would still be interested to know what the possibilities are-Cheers
The wire kit you’re talking about is in fact this cardas litz 33 awg cable http://www.ebay.com/itm/400731159612 But you need two of this for stereo (single run for each channel).

And for internal tonearm wire this single run (500mm piece) is long enough for two turntables (two tonearms): http://www.ebay.com/itm/302220538153

If you can do the soldering yourself all you need is two RCA connectors to make your own cable using those Cardas 33 awg lits configuration.

Or buy the kit someone else made for you (maybe for higher price).

P.S. I think for internal wiring Discovery Cable is better as it’s more flexible. Discovery tonearm wire used in Tri-Planar and Graham high-end tonearms.


Your upgrade plan sounds solid, but you didn't mention two of the most effective: bearing upgrade & KAB fluid damper. Here is a good resource for you: http://theartofsound.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?46-The-Techiepedia
Also, FWIW, I agree that the 301 is a bad choice for that arm. There are plenty of warm, rocking carts that will be better match(e.g. Dynavector). Cheers,
BTW i got a pair of those KAB dampers for a long time, the silicon fluid bath is open and collect dust all the time, i think it's better to replace the tonearm for something better to fill the silicon inside (like on jelco). This open silicon bath is not cool. 
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