I thought the same thing Dave_b, the offensive entry was removed apparently.
I just bought a Krell FPB-300, and I love it! Even though the new Krell was within my budget. I have to say cosmetics swayed my decision. That computer case with fans across the rear I did not find appealing. Perhaps I'm just old school? And I knew the FPB to be a proven and well liked design, it is a beautiful amp, solid as a rock! Build quality is beyond reproach, and sonics are excellent. I'm very pleased with my purchase.
But i see this trend in other brands as well, the days of massive metal cases carved from solid blocks with fins of various shapes bristling out the sides, is very attractvie but expensive no doubt. And many manufacturers are hanging onto that formula for success, like Pass. But Krell, Levinson, Theta, Classe', and a few others have moved to this computer case design. I'm sure it has benefits, plenum ventilation systems with slip on covers, technically makes sense. And now days everyone is designing "Green", so the day of the monster amp that heats small houses and requires 20amp dedicated circuits and freight companies to move them has passed. The manufacturers have had to adapt to pressures from the government and competition from D class amp makers, and from reviews I've read, they are doing it well. But, I'm still lost in the past, and I love my 130 lb. monster with its dedicated circuit, with care it should last forever.