D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?

D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?imgoodwithtools
Sound differences would also come down to which loads these amps are seeing. If the speakers has low impedance combined with high negative phases angles at those low impedance's, "generally" then I would go with D'Agostino amps over the Ayre's. Because that's what Dan is known for, making amps that drive nasty loads.
If the speaker loads are easy then you'll have to listen to both on that speaker.

Cheers George     
I don’t want to steal this thread, but I have been thinking about D’Agostino, not compared to Ayre, but compared to Jeff Rowland. I currently have the Jeff Rowland 625 S2 amp and Corus preamp. Has anyone compared them to the Momentum integrated amplifier or does anyone have an opinion on if going from the separate Rowland gear to the integrated would be a lateral move?
Hard to imagine superior sound over Agostino but Rowland certainly going to be awesome as well. I'm not sure that Ayre plays at this level but totally an uninformed opinion. 

The winner, at least for my ears and in my system, has yet to be determined. But the Ayre MX-R Twenties certainly play at the upper level and are competitive with anyone. So far, I have auditioned and declined Krell, Mark Levinson, Pass Labs, and Audio Research amplification.
The description by Khrys is pretty much dead on to what I think.  The Ayre is good, but I prefer the D'Agostino by a large margin.  I prefer a little more flesh on the bone than the Ayre has.  The pride of ownership with Dan's products is off the charts too.