Don’t know if you read it but if you can get a copy of the latest Stereophile you might want to read the first paragraph of Analog Corner by Michael Fremer to see just how heated this debate between analog and digital can get.
To answer your "why" I would only say there is nothing rational that could remotely answer that, as there is no clear answer for the political division in our country other than one simple thing to my mind, we have a tendency to talk past each other rather than to each other.
Don’t know if you read it but if you can get a copy of the latest Stereophile you might want to read the first paragraph of Analog Corner by Michael Fremer to see just how heated this debate between analog and digital can get.
To answer your "why" I would only say there is nothing rational that could remotely answer that, as there is no clear answer for the political division in our country other than one simple thing to my mind, we have a tendency to talk past each other rather than to each other.