Best value record cleaner/cleaning system

Thought I would ask the group -- when I was last in the analog game some 12-15 years ago it was a VPI or Nitty Gritty for record cleaning (that and the wood-handled Discwasher pad with red-bottle liquid, Zerostat and Decca CF brush for just before playing an LP)... are these still the go-to standard units, or has the state of the art / ’value’ options advanced to some other kits in the present? I see cleaner units now from Pro-ject, Music Hall, Spin Clean, etc etc.

In my case I am not trying to ’deep clean’ mistreated, flea market or recycled recors store records... just good hygiene maintenance-cleaning of a treasured collection - 80% regular records, 20% ’audiophile’ pressings.

Thanks in advance.
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Yes, I think that we are mostly on the same page with equipment and methods.
My method takes 20 minutes per record.Yes, labor intensive.
 I think steam cleaning would be great; Can you or Rushton point me in the right direction for equipment and sources to obtain?
Also technique for safest and best results? I would appreciate it.

 I the meantime; I am still trying to get a handle on the AFI Flat and its Relax function. Cost in US $, And US distributor? Any help from anyone would be appreciated.

When I start running out of the L Art d' Son ; I will start using the Down with dirty enzyme solution.

Best wishes to All on this journey.
Clean records and stylus; There is no substitute.

That AFI Flat sounds (fantastic) from what I've read. There is a thread here on it that I assume could point you in the right direction. If you obtain one, I'd love to hear your impressions. Good luck!

Could you explain exactly what you're looking for regarding "point me in the right direction for equipment and sources to obtain?"

I have seen mention of obtaining steam cleaning equipment from Walgreens and Mapleshade and KAB. Any thoughts on the best one? 
The original Mapleshade I own. The newer Mapleshade, by Pierre's own admission is not quite as good. The Walgreens that use to be recommended is no longer available last time I checked. I bought a db tech steamer off of Amazon years ago that worked 95% of the original Mapleshade. I recently bought a new db tech with a smaller water tank. I was disappointed in this one. I plan on searching for a larger tank version soon.

With my Mapleshade and my 1st db tech, I made the cardinal sin of refilling the tank before it was cooled enough. Do not do that!

Rushton's thread links to an article that details all the chemicals etc. and where to buy them, all for ultrasonic, not steam. I use that method and then do 2 wet rinses & vacuum using a manual DIY spinner made from an Ikea lazy susan which works quicker than my VPI 16.5 used to. You can see my description in that thread and pics on my system page. Cheers,