Tube vs Solid State


For past few months, I have been trying to achieve best possible sound in my rig. The focus now is clearly on a improving 2 channel sound in what started as a home theater room.  

In past couple of years, I have added N10, Modwright DAC and very recently a LS36.5 linestage . The amps are Modwright KWA150SE. I am running pair of KWA150SE's in bridge mode (450Wx1) for the mighty B&W 800D2's.  While I like the sound as is, still feel something is missing. 

I have been toying with the idea of bi-amping.  One thought is to add mono tube amps to run mid's and high's and let the KWA150SE's handle the LF's. I am pursuing that seductive, slightly warm mid-range and top end that usually comes from tube amplification.  

I don't think there is any tube amp out there by itself capable of powering up bass hungry 800's. I prefer not to use a subwoofer in 2 channel setup. I listen to mostly jazz and classical music and quite sure that 800's are capable of producing adequate bass with proper amplification. 

Any feedback would be appreciated. 


I have a pair of Audio Research Reference 610T's for sale that will meet all your needs and then some.  The following review sums it up very well.


Thank you for your offer. I end up auditioning the MAC's, more than likely I am going to end up keeping them. 
see if you can get impedance vs. freq. curves from the manf. of your speakers (or the drivers) before spending a lot of $$ and time trying the biamp route

also ask them about bi-amping