Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Platforms


I am having trouble justifying another $7,000 for the lowest priced HRS frame, to accommodate my expensive M3x Harmonic Resolution Systems platforms.......around $2,500 each. 

While I understand that the frame and the platforms work as a "system," I currently place the M3x platforms and nimbus couplers, on a low-cost salamander rack......with decent results.

Has anyone had good results using HRS platforms on a high quality solid wood rack......walnut for example?

This would save me about $4,000 if it works.

Thanks in advance for the advice.




Check out some pro lab stuff - esp. at a sale from a public university

describe your problem & gear for more help

Hi Roxy5 and Randy-11,

I looked at the adona racks. Interesting. Thank you, I'll research further.

Randy-11, the issue is a bit complicated. If I place my HRS platforms on a solid walnut rack, I'd like to know if the wood rack will dampen (kill) the sound.

As we know, there are 2 schools of thought with regard to audio racks.....resonance producing (like a box furniture rack) and isolation (like HRS and Silent Running Audio - SRA etc).

As a test. I paced a couple "resonating" platforms under my turn table and preamp, and the sound literally died. This is why I'm hoping that using a solid wood rack (isolation) + my HRS platforms, may do the trick.
