Know of a "Dirt Cheap" tweak?

I am looking for tweaks to improve the overall sound quality of my audio system. I recently purchased some TPC contact cleaner and it made a believer out of me. I noticed a signicant improvement, as if a veil was lifted my system sounded more clear and transparent. Bass got tighter too. Do you know of any cheap tweaks that have made a SIGNIFICANT improvement to the sound quality of your Hifi system...let us know... :-) Comments welcomed!
Would wrapping any cables with yellow Teflon plumber's tape have any effect? If so, why? I know its a strong dielectric. Does it shield cables near each other from interference. Haven't tried it, just wondering if anyone has.

Yours Aye,

I just checked your own placement diagram on your site. I see you are using some of the same placements as Franck Tchang.
Here's a dirt cheap tweak. If you are one of those who stores his CDs and or LPs so they are in a horizontal position you will get a lot better sound by storing them all vertically. Some folks use those CD towers that store the CDs horizontally. Those CD towers are bad news. If you have CD towers just flip them on their side so the CDs are all vertical.


Is there an explanation for this improvement related to storage? What kind of improvement can be expected?