Why no tube loaner/testdrives--It's hard being an audiophile

I just wanted to vent for a moment. I'm going to quote my wife and file this under "It's hard being an audiophile" as there is some absurdity to the fact that I view this issue as a real life problem.

The issue: 

My Primaluna integrated amp has 6 premp tubes and 8 power tubes.  While the unit makes tube rolling a snap, it's (a) difficult to find or at reasonable prices NOS tubes in larger batches; (b) reissue or new tubes cost a bunch to experiment with. 

For example, if I want to swap in a set of Gold Lion KT77 power tubes (I've already tried the stock EL34s and Mullard re-issues), it's a small fortune to do so.  I think the GL KT77 may be the ticket, yet making another expenditure to find out seems pricey.  I wish I could borrow a set and pay a tryout fee, as opposed to spending $400 on a set. 
I purchased my tube preamp (only 1 tube per channel, 1 rectifier tube) and power amps (monoblocks with only 2 power tubes, 1 input tube, 1 driver tube each) based not only on sound quality but also on minimal number of tubes to minimize the expense of retubing. It is possible to find excellent sounding gear which employ a minimal number of tubes. Not only does my preamp have only 1 tube per channel, but it also has a switch which allows either 6SN7 (usually expensive) or 12SN7 (usually less expensive) tubes. So I can be even more prudent when selecting tubes for it if I wish. For it, I ended up with a pair of inexpensive NOS 12SN7 tubes which sounded just as good as a pair of expensive 6SN7s.
 it's (a) difficult to find or at reasonable prices NOS tubes in larger batches; (b) reissue or new tubes cost a bunch to experiment with.

you should have thought / researched the price of re-tubing this before you purchased it.                  I have passed on a number of preamps or amps that use a lot of tubes , just for that very reason.

@riley804 , You sound smarter than me with such foresight.  Glad you took the time to tell me this. 
@jbhiller .........not smarter, I just know what I can and cant afford in this so called " hobby " and spending a large amount on tubes is not one of them.