Basalt? I will see if I can get hold of some. How heavy is the chunk?
You stated, " If a tweak isn't jaw-dropping, it's not a tweak, it's nonsense." I tend to agree. I agree with you about expectation bias.
You stated, "Turns out you absolutely have to spend $500-$700 bucks on speaker cable, but no more." It was less than $300 for my pure silver speaker wires.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will do some A/B-ing with this.
Basalt? I will see if I can get hold of some. How heavy is the chunk?
You stated, " If a tweak isn't jaw-dropping, it's not a tweak, it's nonsense." I tend to agree. I agree with you about expectation bias.
You stated, "Turns out you absolutely have to spend $500-$700 bucks on speaker cable, but no more." It was less than $300 for my pure silver speaker wires.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will do some A/B-ing with this.