Harmonic Resolution Systems (HRS) Platforms


I am having trouble justifying another $7,000 for the lowest priced HRS frame, to accommodate my expensive M3x Harmonic Resolution Systems platforms.......around $2,500 each. 

While I understand that the frame and the platforms work as a "system," I currently place the M3x platforms and nimbus couplers, on a low-cost salamander rack......with decent results.

Has anyone had good results using HRS platforms on a high quality solid wood rack......walnut for example?

This would save me about $4,000 if it works.

Thanks in advance for the advice.





Hi Rzado,

Thank you for the feedback....much appreciated!

I will look into Accurion and Herzan.

A dealer friend of mine sell racks from a company called HiFi Racks Ltd, out of the UK. Family owned and been in business for about 9 years I believe.

They have a rack called the Podium Reference......won a couple awards. I can get a custom hardwood rack with spikes separating each tier, for about $2,500. I would use my HRS platforms instead of buying their wood platforms.

It's a bit of a gamble, but at $2,500 it might be worth a shot. 

I'll get back to you and others to let everyone know how this turns out.

Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi there.  I have an HRS double-wide and found no discernable difference between the S1 and the R3x.  Both are extreemley well made.  The isolation may have more do do wiht the HRS feet, whihc I think are the same on both models.

As for the HRS SXR frame, its the absolute bomb!!!!
Re the suggestion to try an active isolation system I can certainly attest to the effectiveness of one having just installed a Herzan TS-150 under my turntable. Unfortunately they do cost at $10k for this the smallest model. They also need a stable platform to work off. You might be able to get away with something like this   http://www.ebay.com/itm/HERZAN-AVI-KT75L-ACTIVE-VIBRATION-CONTROL-OPTICAL-MICROSCOPE-TABLE-BENCH-SN4... If looks are not a factor

Frankly however if I was in your shoes I’d bite the bullet and invest in a full HRS system. The stands will be with you for life. I’ve been using a Grand Prix Audio stands for fifteen years now and they were one of the best long term investments I’ve made.

HRS Isolation Bases are designed to provide excellent performance on a very wide range of surfaces. So they are specifically designed to give you excellent performance on your existing stand or any other stock furniture. What you want to do is a great way to build very high performance cost effective systems.