Separate conductors for separate frequency ranges in cables

On this issue, I'm both skeptical and open minded. I'm approaching this in a good faith manner. I saw an ad on Agon for PS Audio power cables and the description reads, "Inside the AC12 are three hollow PCOCC conductors for the treble regions, one massive PCOCC rectangular conductor for the midrange and multiple gauges of PCOCC bundled together for the bass." I read that and just thought to myself, what does PS Audio mean? There is no crossover within the cable that literally separates frequencies and delivers them to separate inputs of a component. I can understand how different types of conductor materials/geometries can optimize different frequencies, but I don’t see how this would work in a single cable. Not too dissimilar are “Shotgun biwire” or “single biwire” speaker cables, but at least in that application you end up with two separate connections at the speaker – one to the bass woofer, and the other to tweeter and midwoofer. Is there anyone out there that can more fully explain what PS Audio is trying to accomplish with this cable construction? Honestly, I’m just seeking to understand, not cast aspersions. I really dig a lot of what PSA does.

Tony (Tls49), thanks for pointing out the reference to power cords, which I had missed.  Which just adds to the bewilderment, as Blang11 aptly points out.  Although as Kijanki alluded to, in some applications, especially in the case of power amps and integrated amps, frequency components as high as several tens of kHz may be drawn through a power cord by the component being powered.

-- Al
I've never seen a PC claim quite like this one, so I went to PS Audio's web site and had a look at the cable. Its definately an odd design, but the one quality that stands out most is the price. With 3 different types of conductors and whatever else they put in those things, I was expecting to see a much higher price than $129.99. I would have been a lot less suprised if they were selling for over 1k.
I’m an unofficial non-paid non-actor spokesman for the Interplanetary High-End Audio Speaker Cable Manufacturers and Wire Recycle Association, LLC (pending). We feel that it’s a great idea to use very long runs of the most expensive speaker cable available and to use separate conductors of identical lengths for each individual driver in a speaker system.
The $129 price is for the lowest level and shortest length, not an unusual lead in to the pricing structure. 

Yeah, I definitely missed the power cable reference and mistakenly assumed they were speaker cables. However, that they are power cables really doesn't change anything.  Particularly the part about what PS Audio is trying to accomplish, i.e., generate interest to sell more cables.  BTW, Pangea uses different gauges of wire in their PCs, also a mix of stranded and solid core wire, as well as different qualities of wire (i.e., OFC and OCC), but not square wire.