Are you using DH Labs?

I recently proclaimed my love for DH Labs in another thread (, but wondering who else uses them here on the forum. If you use their cables, which ones do you use? No need to go into detail, just curious which ones people have.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xblisshifi

@thiefoflight  With the Connex/DH Labs BL-Ag bulk wire I use KLEI solid silver RCAs and Neutrik XLRs.  I have a hankering to try some boutique XLRs with this wire, but have not gotten around to it.  My thought is that to obtain top performance from a fancy XLR plug, it would be a good idea to also upgrade the panel-mounted XLRs in the chassis-- which is a PITA. 

 BL-Ag wire also makes a good low-capacitance phono IC.

@ghosthouse thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@dgarretson wow, just looked at the KLEI connectors, and they are pretty affordable for being silver. May look into that route. Do you happen to know the capacitance of the BL-Ag per foot? That's exactly what I am looking at it for... low-capacitance phono. 
@thiefoflight  17pf/ft. (measured silver conductor to silver conductor) and 27pf/ft.(measured silver conductor to aluminum foil shield.)
DH Labs has a promotion on their Facebook page.  Post a review of something you are using for the chance to win $1000 worth of cables.  ($1k goes along way with them !).  Not too many reviews up there, so the odds are good for a well worded write up.