"... As for the anger with my comment/questions.
I did not and am not attacking the person. I referred to very
specific comments about the use of graphene in certain products. ..."
Nice try ptss. Your attempt at rationalization does not square with the plain meaning of the words you used. An excerpt from your post:
"... What a 'crock' of stupid nonsense.
"Graphene 'particles' per grost--another load of "Crap".
Cerious Technologies stated they 'make' their own graphene 'in house'
-another load of crap. ..."
Obviously you mention Bob's name. You call what Bob said a "load of crap". You say that their (Bob's) statement that they 'make' their own graphene is also a "load of crap." How is this not an attack on Bob? (Rhetorical question).
This notwithstanding, a vitriolic attack on the product or process is an implicit attack on the purveyor of the product.