Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design

I just purchased a used OTL Atma-Sphere M-60 mono blocks that I have sent to Atma-Sphere to be upgraded to the current model 3.3 and I also added the option of a higher quality power supply and V caps.

I have sold my old trusted Eggleston Andra 2’s speakers and have built some monitors using Aurum Cantus ribbons (102db) and Aurum Cantus midwoofers (90db) that are both rated as 8 ohm nominal. I have a DEQX Premate and will be crossing over to (2) JL Audio F-113 subs at 80hz.

Currently I am using a solid state high power stereo amp (Pass Labs) that I used with the Andra 2’s.

The Atma-Sphere M-60 is rated at 60 watts class A and is said to work better with higher impedance loads.

It will probably be a few weeks until I get the M-60 and was hoping someone could provide opinions of what to expect.

I listen to late 60 early 70’s classic rock music mostly. Sometimes loud.



Ive had my M60s for about 7 months. I bought them used and they came with a ton of the Chinese power tubes. The seller didnt indicate which ones were good or not. So it took and evening of swapping ( and a box of fuses) to get them up and running and holding the DC offset.  Since then, I've had 2 tubes fail. Each took out the fuse by the power cord.  Otherwise, they have been rock solid. I play them at least a few hours each evening and sometimes all weekend long.  Dont get discouraged.   I plan on re-tubing with the Russian variety soon.  

Soundwise, I swapped them out with a pair of Quicksilver monos( which are great amps in their own right) and it was quickly apparent how special they really are.  The Quickies seemed slow and veiled by comparison.


It sounds like I need more fuses on hand. BTW, I have had a problem finding 3A slow blow fuses. With no more Rat Shacks,  and hardware stores don't carry them.

The M-60's are settling in nicely. I wonder though on the copper V-Caps and how long they may take to fully break in. The soundstage is becoming very wide and deep. So much so that I am fiddling with toe in / toe out.

Someone mentioned earlier that to reduce the light on the yellow and red indicater lamps to try 12v versions. I actually found some 12V-3 watt and that really did the trick! Lamps illuminate but don't overpower the tubes.

Question: At the moment I have a mismatch of tubes. Could that cause a shift in soundstage?


If in the driver tubes, possibly. If some of the power tubes are blown out in one channel that could do it too. Check the power tubes against what you see in this article on the Support section of our website:

Some say the copper foil V-Caps take about 150 hours, be we experience them sounding very good right out of the box. However, with all the updates done on this set of amps, they're going to need some break-in time; as they break in they will become more lucid.

Since you're trying to nurse those old power tubes you might want to get some 3 amp slow blow fuses off of ebay or amazon. We sell them also.
Ozzy, industrial distributors Digikey, Mouser, and Newark Electronics can supply pretty much any non-audiophile fuse you may require.  Digikey has no minimum order requirement or handling charge.  Not sure about the others.

-- Al


Thank you for the help. I should have my NOS tubes from Russia soon, they are now in the USA. And I already have my NOS RCA’s. So soon I will be able to do the dreaded 72 hour burn in without music.


I did buy a few fuses locally. And I ordered about 25 more on Amazon. Glad I didn’t buy the exotic version $$$ SR Black fuses.
