Do I need a power conditioner?

I’m in the process of dropping a dedicated 20 amp circuit or 2 into the music room.
So if I have a dedicated circuit for the amp, and a dedicated circuit for everything else,
is a conditioner useful?
I have several fairly decent systems going that I tweek and retweek.
Just got around to upgrading cables. Avoided conditioners because, in general, they dampen the presentation.
Was using a PS Audio PPP for low power components. But fell for the Shunyata spiel.
Plugged in a Hydra 4 with a Python Helix and was very happy with how it cleaned up the Zu Druids.
Seems high sensitivity speakers maybe reveal the grunge also.
Moved it to my system with the Martin Logans and the presentation seemed a bit lean and just a bit lifeless, using just copperhead cable to Hydra. (using all Pangea to get from the Hydra to other components.)
Then I put a Black Mamba from Classe amp straight to the wall and Wow! Single most significant tweek ever for me.
So I’m thinking, maybe I don’t need the Denali I ordered if I just use a couple dedicated circuits and some Shunyata power cords everywhere.
Thanks. :)
Lots of good advice. I am also a fan of balanced power.
Like others I have tried various conditioners over the years, same
conclusion as others to many trade offs. Last year I saw all the buzz
with HFC's MC-05 plug in conditioner, tried one, wound up buying 4 more, absolutely no trade offs crazy part is they are not even directly in the power chain, huge bang for the buck.  
So the Equitech 2RQ arrived yesterday.
The more I read about it, the more I am convinced that balanced power is the better solution for eliminating noise in theory. In practice however, no way to know till you actually hear the results. Of course you can look at the list of heavy hitters that use Equitech. Never the less, I was apprehensive till I got the unit plugged in.
Started out with my Oppo 95 to PrimaLuna Dialogue HP Integrated to Zu Druid. (high sensitivity speakers more revealing, including noise, I think.)
Put it there cause the thing is freakin heavy, and I didn’t have any help to lift it into the rack on my real system. Long story short, I already ordered another Equitech (Son of Q jr this time) because I can’t imagine listening to that system again without the Equitech.
I feel kind of silly trying to give a subjective impression. All the audiophile terminology sounds pompous and pretentious coming from me cause I’m kind of a newb. But it was apparent right away that this thing is a game changer. Made orders of magnitude bigger difference that all the previous tweeks I’ve laid on that system, and there have been plenty. So yeah, drop the noise floor like that and you are gonna liberate the actual music that has been hidden behind the layers of smear you have been previously hearing. Pretty damn happy about that.
Seems to me that all the filtering that other conditioners use remove some of the music along with the noise. The better ones just have a better noise to music removal ratio. Pretty sure the Equitech just removes just the noise while leaving the music intact.
Glad I came to Audiogon forum again. You guys turned me on to a product I knew nothing about, that seems to be a much better solution than what I previously had in mind.
The first time I heard my Equi=Tech 2Q in my system (years ago, 2001)
I described the music as sounding like it was on steriods, in a good way!

I was pretty confident Leotis that the innate qualities of balanced AC power would be apparent once you actually did some listening. . As you note, decreased noise and absolutely no loss of the music (in fact there’s more musical nuance and information).Balanced AC power is a permanent fixture in my system.


It is not just the noise I think.
It's the phase integrity also.
Filters cause phase shift between voltage and current right?
So improved power factor.
Wish I knew more about it.