
     There's one like you in every group.

     Sometimes it's better to resist posting if you have no constructive input.

     I think your now the undisputed leader for Audiogon's 2017 WORST POST OF THE YEAR award!

Congrats Sunshine,

Because I said it was well written but not informative. Because I said what attracts folks to music is different.

I because I said I like burgers but not McDonald's but that doesn't make me better or worse than anyone else.

I'm miffed.

If the way I said it offends you, well, my apology. It wasnt meant to.

I think if you read any post I have ever submitted you'll agree that I'm straight forward and without malice.
If this article shed  new light on an old subject for you, that's great. For me it didn't. And I would guess for most here it doesn't.

But thanks for sharing and I'm glad new folks are exposed to this.

BTW, in 30 years when you read an article which covers this again you'll understand better my comment.