If this article shed  new light on an old subject for you, that's great. For me it didn't. And I would guess for most here it doesn't.

But thanks for sharing and I'm glad new folks are exposed to this.

BTW, in 30 years when you read an article which covers this again you'll understand better my comment. 


The thing that struck me about your first post was how negative it was.  
Here's how I saw it:
fourwinds posts and links an article he read that he thought fellow members might find interesting.
I saw his post yesterday, read the linked article and thought it was well written.  It contained  information that was new to me and  I considered it thought provoking.    
I posted a reply telling him this and thanking him for sharing.

The next several posters basically do the same.

Then you posted stating the article was boring, not very informative, contained information we should have all already known, why we are attracted to music is old news, we all began by listening to music via compromised electronics, love of music spurred us to higher quality gear, some people just accept lower quality and your not fond of McDonald's burgers.

My thoughts were in order:
"Boy, that's an odd and unnecessary reply post."
"Why so negative?"
"Why did this guy even feel the need, and take the time, to post that nonsense?"
"Maybe this guy's diaper is just full."
"I should reply and give this guy some shit."

You may be straight forward and without malice.  But I don't know you and perhaps I made a somewhat hasty negative judgment about you due to your overly negative post,  
 I was more puzzled than offended by your reply post.  But I responded mainly because I thought you were being needlessly rude to the OP, fourwnds,

I have no malice towards you. I just thought you could use a little tuneup.

Your summary is for the most part correct. I was just giving my opinion on the artical, which since it differed from others, felt it had value.

However, I did not mean to condescend those that found it of value bit rather point out I did not find anything new there and to underscore that the love of music is the love of music regardless of quality.

Peace out.