Best speakers under $500? Fire away!

Looking for suggestions for budget speakers under $500.  Can be floor or bookshelf.  
Let's hear the suggestions for the experts out there!

Thank you
I really would like to try the ELAC's but their sensitivity concerns me with my 20 wpc 3020.  
Most of the standmount speakers have relatively low sensitivity but are more easy to drive than floor standing speakers with higher sensitivity .
Most of the standmount speakers have relatively low sensitivity but are more easy to drive than floor standing speakers with higher sensitivity .
Really?  Even a speaker that is 4 ohms with sensitivity of 85dB like the Elacs that keep getting recommended with no concern over the OP's limited amp capabilities.

Please explain.
jl35... I would very much like to try the Infinity's and have read nothing but rave reviews.  The problem is I can't find them?  Can anyone help?
Also read great things about the Tannoy Eclipse 3 but again... tough to find.