Fidelity Research FR-64 vs. FR-54

In a prior discussion, I had asked about tonearm suggestions for a Luxman PD-441 table that currently has a Denon DA-307 tonearm and Grado The Reference high output cartridge.  Many suggestions were provided.  A Fidelity Research FR-64 was suggested as a simple replacement.  I'm wondering if the FR-54 would also be good, being that it is mentioned in the Luxman manual in the same category as the Denon arm on there now?
Raul -
2 further thoughts on your system. You will be pleased to know that like you I use outdated bipolar devices for optimum LOMC amplification, mine designed and hand built by Reto Andreoli. It is vastly more transparent and than anything else I have heard including my old Klyne 3.5 and some pretty exotic SUT's.
As far as the Levinson mono blocks, the mods you describe make good sense, but at the end of the day those amps are slow. I would only use them for boat anchors. You might want to look at replacing those in my view,


One full mistake from my part:

" poor design ", I'm not refereing to it self design on those tube electronics but to the poor technology.

Dear @dover : Hysteresis distortion?, well that kind of distortion has different sources and of different kind ( existe magnetic hysteresis, example. ) and can detected as: spurious components/non-linearities in the signal frequency bands, especially on amplifiers. You don’t have to worried about in our design.

Well our four layer circuit boards could be not espcial if I don’t know what you mean for special. Our circuit boards were made it in Silicon Valley and choosed after we tested 4 different build materials in the circuit boards. This is an example only on how the Essential was builded and one of the many reasons the Essential performs with that so high excellence levels.

You name it the Vendetta and Blowtorch ( I don’t know why. ), well no one is a good reference for me. Our non-State of the ART Essential outperforms both easily. Btw, our design handle LOMC cartridges with an output level as low as 0.01mv. The Essential use only bipolars in gain stages and not FET/MOSFETS as the Blowtorch/Vendetta and uses no single internal wire but everithing input to output is hand soldered to the circuit boards.

Btw too, we don’t use it any single chips in the circuit not even the discrete ones but the B&B buffer. Btw, I was in one of the B&B facilities that’s nothing less than " impressive " and that was in Tucson, AZ.

As a comercial product the Essential is irrelevant to the forum but way releveant on what we can have and a target to fulfill.
I don’t know but thinking on people as M.Lavigne could made that I take again the flag of my latest Essential again and produce it. No, it’s not for you. You can stay with your engineering friends that are years a head the legitimate State of the Art: good for you.

Anyway, thak’s to your contribution.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC not Distortions,

Good to read that finally you are using SS technology with LOMC cartridges. A very good link to start and I hope that step by step and carefully you can follow doing in the time in the other system links.
Btw, that gentleman Andreoli is the same whom took the 103 inexpensive motor and created the Blue Magic cartridges in a price range from 3.5K to 7.5K dollars?

My MC pre eschews the use of circuit boards, has no wiring, every component is soldered to the other components in free space ( in a 3 dimensional array to minimise component interaction as is done in the Mares Connoisseur ).
For your next build you might want to look at eliminating the circuit boards, and eliminate the resonant and hystereses inducing metal chassis, and all switches in the signal path. If your circuit is as good as you claim, then eliminating the circuit boards, resonant chassis and switches should be an audible improvement of a significant margin.

The answer to your question is yes, the same Reto Andreoli that builds cartridges selling up to $50k and for which he has an 18 month waiting list. Personally I don't use his cartridge but he has some interesting ideas on cartridge tracking/cantilever/stylus profile and the issues of how to minimise distortion on playback. He is a fan of the cantileverless Ikeda MC that I use which is very close to emulating the cutter head action in playback resulting in very low mechanical distortion and phase anomalies on playback.  

Dear Dover, ''different opinions'' does not mean ''different thinking''

because we all think in the same way: from our premises to our

conclusions or deductions. The difference then means ''different

premises'' which are believed to be true . But ''believing '' has noting

to do with the truth. Something is true or false independent from our

psychology. .As is clear by your dispute with Raul you both have

different premises. BTW I also admire Reto Andreoli and own his

Magic Diamond and also Ikeda's 9 cantileverless cart.. Both are excellent

carts but Magic more easy to adjust. Reto learned the ''cart art'' at the

age of 15 by the famous Australian brothers. The other components

he learned himself while all his components are hand made by himself.

I got my Magic second hand his other components I, alas, can't afford.