Need help making TV decision

I'm looking to replace my ancient Proton 27" CRT with something new. I've poked around AVS forum and CNET but still feel confused and underinformed. Would welcome advice here and pointers to other sources of information.

Here's our situation:

-- Can accomodate up to 40"-42" wide display
-- Use Comcast digital cable box through TiVo box as main source; also DVD
-- TV (not DVD) probably 80% of viewing
-- Viewing distance is about 8 feet
-- Can accomodate the depth of a CRT or rear projection, but a flat panel would be just fine (will sit atop 40" AV cart)
-- Don't need built-in audio as I route audio signals through an AV receiver
-- Price not too much of an issue

So....LCD, Plasma, DLP or CRT? HD or ED? One of my main fears is that I will get a set that kills on DVD or HD but leaves me unhappy when I watch an old movie or a Seinfeld rerun or any non-HD TV program. There's also the issue of our addiction to TiVo and the absence of an HD TiVo box for digital cable (as far as I know).

Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Interesting! I have also heard some people say goood things about SD on plasma sets. It may depend on the source (sat or cable) and the set (this was Fujitsu).
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If your primary source is digital signal, stay with micro display technology (LCD, DLP, LCOS, SXRD) or plasma/LCD. Using HDMI/DVI to transfer reduces the number of conversions and produce better pictures, though not significant with 42" display.

I own both plasma & LCD rear projection (Sony GWIV). For the same reason as Dlstephenson, I did not go for DLP. What bothers me more about LCD is SSE, not SDE. I recently saw Sony SXRD in store and it still exhibits some SSE, but absolutely no SDE. All of the rear projections fall short in color saturation when compares to plasma. Given your screen size requirement, I think it's a no brainer, plasma rules when it comes to color.
Drubin,I have spent countless hours looking for the same type of display.After many months of demoing 42" plasmas I found the Fujitsu to be the best bang for the buck.Color,contrast,black level,etc it was all there.Do not bother looking at the ED version, the HD version is the way to go! The only downside to this display is the price $5000 retail.
Semi and Dynnut, would you pick plasma over a 36" HD CRT assuming you had space for a CRT?