Best speakers under $500? Fire away!

Looking for suggestions for budget speakers under $500.  Can be floor or bookshelf.  
Let's hear the suggestions for the experts out there!

Thank you

I could just post a "+3", but I'll try to explain.

" tls49... going to listen at higher levels and will see how many lights illuminate.  I was at only 10 o'clock volume the other night and 4 of the lights lit up. "

When that 4th light blinks, that means the amp is peaking at 20 watts of output power. Now the 3020 can peak at least 40 watts and a little higher depending on the load. So, the above scenario is well within it's operating range.

The sensitivity of the  ELAC Debut B6 is spec'd at 87db, but as I said, that needs to be adjusted to 85.5 db because it's a 6 ohm speaker. Stereophile actually measured it at 85db. That's 10db lower than the Klipsch speakers you are currently using. That means the B6 will require more than 160 watts of peak power to play at the same volume of the above scenario with the Klipsch needing 20 watts of peak power. Do you actually think the 3020 is capable of peaking more than 160 watts?

So, +3   huge mistake

With my current Klipsch, I am only approaching max output with the amp at very, very high listening levels.  Perhaps the ELAC's are not a good match as many are saying here.  The MA's sound like a better match.  
ELAC's are 6 ohm.87db
Wharf 10.1 are 6 ohm 85db
MA Bronze 1 are 8 ohm 87db

I listen to music at "normal" listening levels.  
you not only can't tell by the numbers, the published numbers are not always accurate or measured the same way...